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Mission Statement

The mission of the Phoenix Institute to Advance Ericksonian Therapy (herein called The Institute), is to generally promote the mission of the Milton H. Erickson Foundation (herein called the Foundation). In addition to extending the general knowledge and professional training goals of the Foundation, the Institute will provide clinical treatment and therapist supervision in the Phoenix and the surrounding areas including Sedona and Tucson.


By Laws



Directors:  The Milton Erickson Foundation requires a minimum of 3 individuals designated as directors of an Institute.  Directors are voting members and may implement policy and changes in policies. 


Training Affiliates:  All other professional members of the Institute shall be referred to as “training affiliates” and this term is synonymous with “partners,” “members,” or “therapists” of the Institute.


Staff: Is a term that refers to all directors, training affiliates, or other non-professional employees.


  1. Each director or partner will hold a masters or doctorate in social work, psychology, counseling, or psychiatry and hold the highest certification or license to practice within their respective discipline in Arizona.


  1. Each director or partner will maintain malpractice insurance that covers the type of work in which they engage.


  1. Each director or partner will maintain HIPAA compliance in their therapy practice, thereby ensuring that the Institute will remain HIPAA compliant.


  1. Each director or partner will conduct their training and therapy business at their own expense and in their own offices, and will handle finances and profits as independent practitioners.  Should the Institute come to possess its own office, leased space, or building, it may be used to schedule and conduct training and therapy according to plans to be jointly determined by the directors at the appropriate time.


  1. Each director or partner is free to use the name of the Institute in their advertising and promotional efforts to the extent that it does not in any way come to compromise or embarrass the Foundation or Institute.


  1. Advertising, building, leasing, and general financial practices of the Institute will be handled in one of two ways:


  1. If a therapist promotes therapy, supervision, or training resulting in profit or loss, the finances are independent from and not a property of the Institute, or shared by the other directors or partners.

  2. If the directors choose to do so, they may jointly contribute to the finances of the Institute by equally sharing the cost of general office expenses, advertising, leasing, and equipment.  Assets jointly acquired will be the equal possession of those individuals.  Similarly, any residual property taxes, dividends, or other financial sequelae will be jointly shared by those who contributed.


  1. Each director or partner may resign at any time and any financial assets jointly obtained will be distributed accordingly.


  1. Each director or partner indemnifies the other directors and partners of any claim filed against them for wrongful acts, malpractice, or negligence.


  1. New partners or directors are accepted to the Institute by a majority vote of the current directors and may be removed from the Institute by a majority vote of the current directors.


  1. Bylaws and proposed changes to bylaws can be changed by a majority vote of the current directors.


  1. An Executive Director will be selected by vote and serve for two year terms of office with the ability to be re-elected.


  1. The Executive Director will maintain official records for the Institute and create required logs and reports.


  1. This document is subject to revision and review by the directors at least one time per calendar year.


  1. Partners and directors are distinguished by the fact that directors have the right to vote on procedures, policies, and membership at regularly scheduled meeting.


  1. Meetings and meeting dates may be scheduled by the Executive Director and communicated by letter, phone, or email.  Meeting may take place in person, by phone, or by email exchange.


  1. Each director or training affiliate, in accordance with professional ethics, will avoid derogatory or defaming remarks regarding any other institute member directed to any professional, client, of lay audience.  Failure to adhere to this standard or provide the Institute with confidence regarding adherence to this standard of conduct will result in dismissal from the Institute staff.


  1. Directors are expected to attend 75% of formally scheduled meetings and reply to all email, phone, and written communications regarding professional concerns in a timely manner. Failure to participate in 75% of the meetings or respond to communications in a timely manner can constitute sufficient cause to vote for a dismissal from the Institute based on a determination that the individual does not meets the minimal criteria as an active and participating member of the directorate.


Various procedural matters may become specified and added to this document at the need for such procedures arise.  A majority vote of the directors is necessary to accept procedural changes.

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